Wood Buffalo-Cold Lake Economic region — Labour Force Characteristics

Total Labour Force

Unemployment Rate

Labour force composition by status

Full-time and part-time employment

Data source: Statistics Canada - Labour Force Survey

Unemployment, participation and employment rate

Unemployment, participation and employment rate monhtly

Data source: Statistics Canada - Labour Force Survey

Number of jobs added or lost by month

Monthly change of number of jobs

Data source: Statistics Canada - Labour Force Survey

Employment by industry

Number of employees by industry

Data source: Statistics Canada - Labour Force Survey

Employment by industry by month

Number of employees by industry by month

Data source: Statistics Canada - Labour Force Survey

Region Definition

Due to the methodology constraints in Labour Force Survey conducted by Statistics Canada, the data on this page is at the Economic Region level. For reference purposes, this region is presented on the map. More details about the survey methodology can be found at the following link: Labour Force Survey (LFS)
